Donald Trump is Absolutely Unfit and Unsuitable to be President
As we approach the election, it seems like a good idea to review a quick summary of how completely unacceptable Donald Trump is for any job, never mind the President of the United States of America. No one in their right mind would ever hire him to work for them, so why would anyone vote to make him the President?
- Trump was rightfully impeached twice. He has been convicted of multiple felonies for which he is awaiting sentencing. He is awaiting trial for multiple other crimes. He is awaiting appeals of the massive verdict in the “hush money” trial. He has settled the fraud cases involving Trump University, and the Trump Organization shut down and settled lawsuits relative to the “charitable” Trump Foundation for misuse of funds. Oh, and Donald has been found liable for sexual assault. Not a great start to the resume. These issues alone should disqualify Trump from office.
- Every President will face multiple crises. When Trump faced his test while in office (the Covid epidemic) he completely let the country down. Using denialism, quackery, nonsense, and division he managed to make the epidemic much worse than it should have been, while politicizing it and turning neighbor against neighbor and customers against store owners. He proved to be simple minded and entirely incapable of handling a crises.
- Trump likes to brag that he passed a large tax break for corporations and the wealthy, showing again why he is unfit to be President. The tax package indeed enriched the very wealthy and added trillions of dollars to the national debt, and it is the gift that keeps on giving as the debt continues to grow due to this tax fiasco. These trillions of dollars have been a major driver of inflation in the years after Trump left office.
- Trump wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, showing again that he does not care about the healthcare that Americans can afford. Just another reason why he is unsuitable for the office of President.
- Since Trump never really understood the complexities of the immigration crises, he wanted to build a wall — — a simple minded action. He did not support a bi-partisan immigration bill while he was in office, and recently he asked his stooges in Congress to kill the bi-partisan immigration bill that had been negotiated. This alone should dis-qualify Trump.
- Donald’s answer to the global climate crises is to “drill baby drill” for more oil and to withdraw the USA from the Paris climate accords. Brilliant! As usual, Trump does not understand the science of climate change, he has no conception of the role that various energy technologies will play in the future, and he wants to drag the USA backwards to coal and oil instead of leading the country forward to an all electric future.
- Trump has no respect for the environment, for our National Parks or for the agencies like the EPA and the National Park Service. Trump is unfit.
- The President of the USA should be a cheerleader for democracy, voting rights, equality, freedom, the rule of law, NATO and our allies. In fact, Trump tried to overthrow democracy, he tried to undermine voting rights, he believes certain Americans are more equal than others, he is the very definition of a scofflaw. He worked to weaken and dismantle NATO, all while favoring dictators like Kim Jong Un and Putin over our allies. He is unfit and unsuitable.
- Excellent education, including early childhood education, is the essential foundation for a democratic society. Trump wants to shut down the Department of Education. Trump has indicated that he does not read books, which is not surprising given his lack of understanding of science, history and nearly everything else. This is dis-qualifying.
- Trump likes to brag that he appointed “his” judges and drove the overturning of Roe vs Wade, parts of the Voting Rights Act and other important precedents. Taking rights and freedoms away from citizens is nothing to be proud of. We need a stronger Voting Rights Act. We must restore the right of women to choose. We need to reverse Citizens United to get dirty money out of politics. Trump should not be proud of his judge picks, but ashamed of them.
- Trump’s positions on gun violence and gun regulations are also disqualifying.
- The separation of religion and the government is a bedrock principle of our country. Yet Trump and his Christian Nationalist supporters want to convert the country into a theocracy. This is the western version of the Taliban, and it is unacceptable.
- Donald always behaves like a 12 year old playground bully. He calls people names, he disparages women, he separates “real Americans” from “others”. He is unpalatable.
I could go on and on. Donald Trump was completely unfit to be President during his first term, and he should be considered disqualified and unfit for any repeat performance. He brought nothing but chaos, incompetence and a bush league Presidency. Historians have declared that Trump’s job rating is dead last among US Presidents. He is not a serious man, but he can do enormous damage — — like a toddler flying an airplane.
President Biden and VP Harris have spent the last 3+ years cleaning up Trump’s messes and putting things back together again. We do not want to hire again the man that spent half of his first term golfing and finding ways to charge the American people with invoices from Trump properties. Please vote wisely so we don’t have to re-live the chaos of Trumpistan.