I often hear followers of Orange Jesus say they liked Trump's great policies while he was President. What??? He had (and still has) no coherent policies. He accomplished three things as President:
1. Withdrew from the Paris Climate Accords as the Earth is passing 1.5 deg C and reaching Tipping points. Brilliant!
2. He passed a tax bill which provided a huge windfall to the richest Americans at a cost to our debt of $7 Trillion. Brilliant!!
3. He appointed over 100 idiot judges that will damage society for decades. Who needs voting rights? Why should a woman be allowed to control her own body? Why shouldn't all 18 year olds be allowed to carry a gun at all times? Why isn't a frozen embryo the same as a person? Also Brilliant!
If he is re-elected, he has committed to absolutely decimate the administrative functions of government (the EPA, the FDA, the CDC, the DOT, the FAA, the IRS, the DOE, the NRC etc. ) This is at precisely the time we most need strong administrative functions to help us make the great transition away from fossil fuels.
Trump is an imbecile, an insurrectionist and has been found liable of sexual assault. He behaves like a poorly raised 12 year old boy. If he is re-elected, it will likely be the final nail in the coffin of democracy and civilization. But I'm sure he will continue to deny climate change, try to stop EV production and "drill baby drill". His followers will cheer as their "Dear Leader" speeds the collapse of human civilization and planet Earth.