Sorry Ray, but I think you are mistaken. There are no shortcuts. We must work within the system.
When you say Democrats are useless, you are completely missing the point. Read the Democratic Platform --- it has its heart in the right place on many and most issues. The problem is that progressive people are wimps, and they do not vote as a block. They are seduced by silly third parties, and quite frankly, people like you who advise progressive people to "ditch the system". Progressives (particularly young ones) tend to sit out elections, allowing the Young Republicans and the Mothers for fill-in-the-blank to tell the rest of us what we can and can't do. The only way to fix the system, is to work within it, and to vote in every election, and always for progressive candidates. The result of progressives sitting on the sidelines for the last two decades has been that Republicans have taken over many Governerships, state legislatures, sheriffs offices, judgeships, school boards, city councils, etc etc. Then minority Republicans solidify their position with gerrymandering and all sorts of screwball legislation. Democrats have not been in control of many of the levers of government for most of my life --- always Republicans. We all know that Republicans have no interest in solving any serious problems (but they are very busy with the urgent Mickey Mouse and Trans issues).
So get out and sign up progressive voters. Give me a Democratic President, 70 Democratic Senators, 70% of the House, and keep them there for 12 years (so that we will have 70% of the judges). Do the same in the states. Then you will see that Democrats are not useless, and that an earth-friendly agenda can be put forward. Democrats whining about the system and following third parties is exactly what Republicans dream of, as they work night and day trying to find ways to take away our rights even though they are the minority party.