Thank you for this lovely article. It is a brilliant summary of the situation.
While I fully agree that we need to be talking about each of the topics that you show in the "big picture", I think that we should not downplay Carbon Emissions. Carbon is just one piece of the puzzle, but it is a huge and urgent piece, and hopefully one we actually follow through on before the Earth reaches too many of the tipping points that could ultimately acidify the oceans, burn the forests, melt the icecaps, etc. etc. Imagine reaching a point where the tundra and the oceans begin off gassing mega tons of methane, accelerating the warming way beyond 3 deg C, or even 5 deg C. In that case, most of the other issues will not matter much. Nature will solve the problem for us, but in a very ugly way if we don't completely focus on phasing out fossil fuels, and electrifying everything. Perhaps in parallel, or subsequent to getting carbon under control, the world will have band width for the life changes, and cultural changes (no more palm oil, no more beef, set aside minimum of 1/3 of all global land and sea, public transportation, micro transport, tax consumption, raise efficiency standards, re-design cities and towns, smaller home sizes, etc. etc.). These are, of course, very difficult changes to make in a society. First --- Electrify everything (cars, trucks, vans, buses, appliances, streetcars, trains, bikes, scooters, lawn equipment, tug boats, farm equipment, construction equipment, on and on and on.). This will be difficult enough to say the least.