The Administrative State is what allows our society and civilization to function. Clearly Congress is unable to accomplish anything. It is so sad and unbelievable that these right wing authoritarians/fascists have a complex and legal plan to destroy the USA from the inside. If Trump becomes the President, it will be complete chaos. Independents and young people --- even if you are not big fans of Biden, you must show up to vote for him. Do not sit at home on Election Day. Do not submit a "protest" vote. Do not be distracted by third parties --- a vote for a third party is a vote for Trump.
Without an administrative state, you can shoot endangered species for dinner, you can dump lead waste in the river, build a bridge any way you would like, sell contaminated meat at the store, pretend to be a doctor, sell phony drugs, offer untested airplanes for sale, offer lots for sale in Yellowstone National Park, and millions of other things. Just think of all the money you can make scamming people with this new freedom from government regulations.
Now is actually the time that we need the strongest possible Administrative State, backed by a Democratic Congress. Why? Because we need to phase out of fossil fuels and transition to an all electric society, and a smaller, low consumption, conservation minded and sustainable society. The only hope for this to be accomplished in a reasonable and just way is through complex and detailed government regulations.