Unfortunately, a listening and empathetic ear has no effect. I'm sure that most moderates who have Trump supporters amoung our families and friends have tried every possible approach to convince them to follow truth and facts, and to read/listen to multiple other sources of information to draw more honest conclusions --- but it is an impossibility. The solution to our current problems is to rein in dishonest news sources. Perhaps 20 very wealthy people own most of the various right wing news sources that spew out huge amounts of disinformation and propaganda in many formats. Although this issue is mostly a right wing issue, the same would apply for the left wing news sources or any other news source that promotes lies, incorrect data, conspiracy theories, etc. This type of information is amplified by foreign bad actors like Russian bot farms. Social media follows the clicks to promote falsehoods and hate. A network of regulations, lawsuits, fines/penalties needs to constructed to stop feeding the sheep poison. When people get their news from FOX, OAN and NewsMax and listen to right wing "hate" radio for hours a day. Is it any wonder that they feel the way they do? They have been programmed, and no amount of empathetic listening will help. Public news sources must be able to back up everything they say with documented evidence, or they should be punished or shut down. This goes for both the individuals who make the claims as well as the company they work for.