Yet another climate advocate wanting to throw the baby out with the bathwater. While I do not disagree with your top 10 actions, we have to recognize that nothing happens instantly. EVs are a great step forward as far as they will take us. Small EVs are even better, micro mobility better, public transit better, redesigning cities to be walkable better, your top ten are also great. At our house, we have switched out our two ICE cars for two EVs. We have heat pumps, and electric appliances. We burn nearly zero fossil fuels except for a small a bit of propane occasionally refilled. I believe that this is a small step in the right direction.
If you really want to see people change behaviors (at least in the US) put a huge tax on gasoline, diesel, natural gas and propane. Then people will start to do all of the things you want them to do. Money is a great motivator and incentive. Oh, but by the way, if you put these taxes on fossil fuels, you will be either voted out of office, or there will be a revolution and you will be thrown out. People love their massive jacked up gas/diesel pick up trucks and gas stoves, and don't even accept that there is a "climate" problem. People are still building massive infrastructure all along the coasts. We are still investing trillions in building new roads (for what?). The US government is very late to the party and should be making the sort of long range changes that China has been making for the last 20 years. There is only one possible place to begin for most citizens --- vote Democratic on Nov 5th. The Republicans have taken a firm position that they will never act to slow or mitigate climate change in any way.